Welcome to the British Association for Ambulatory Emergency Care. We are up and running!
The BAAEC has evolved from the AEC Network, in total we have 8 cohorts with a total of 96 organisations through. This has been an enormous learning experience for all of us that have participated, in particular the challenges that need to be overcome to implement effective AEC services. The most exciting thing in all of this has been the deelopment of AEC from clinical teams with a desire to do the right thing for patients to a position where it is recognised s a key component of the urgent and emergency care system
Our conference was attended by 240 delegates with a great number of excellent presentations given on the day. These have been uploaded onto the website and can be found within the events section. We have been working with Martin Bardsley of the Nuffield Trust, who have demonstrated significnat bed day savings for the orginal AEC cohort. Ideas for next year's conference are welcome, what would you like to hear about, or do you have an example of a pathway, process, overcome a challenge or an interesting viewpoint on AEC? Please send your ideas to aec@nhselect.org.uk
Nationally, many of the AEC Network sites are actively involved in the Emergency Care Improvement (ECIP) which is supporting 28 sites across England. A key part of the ECIP is using the learning collaborative approach that was used as part of of the AEC network. The effectiveness of AEC servies will be a key part of the assessment of the emergency care pathway.
Interestingly, Deb Thompson, has been contacted by the French Healthcare System who are keen to find out how AEC is operating in the UK and whether this is an approach they could use in France. The UK is regarded as a world leader in AEC!
Please encourage colleagues to sign up to BAAEC. The more members we have the more influene we will have on policy, strategy and finance. The sign up process is simple just join here and its fee... for now!
Keep your ideas coming in on the webiste for anything related to AEC.
Thank you for all your support and enthusiasm in diffiuclt times.
Dr Vince Connolly, President